Elizabeth harris fights doctors and justice systems for her son’s life
Elizabeth Harris, a devoted mother, author, and science-minded business owner with more than two decades of experience in the field of health and wellness. Elizabeth’s scientific training, life experience, drive, and entrepreneurial spirit proved to be the very things that saved the life of both herself and her son after they were diagnosed with a rare and very serious auto-immune condition.
“The paediatrician fired me for asking for a [Cunningham Panel] test.”
In 2008, Elizabeth’s son came down with a common case of strep throat and after receiving antibiotics he seemed to be feeling better. But then, his behaviour became erratic. After consulting numerous doctors, specialists and undergoing multiple tests, Elizabeth’s son was diagnosed with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS). They were prescribed psychiatric medication and then sent home. But then, her son got worse. He began having uncontrollable compulsions and ended up facing the justice system.
Elizabeth shares her epic and emotional story of how she decided to take matters into her own hands to solve her son’s mysterious health conditions. She dedicated several years of her life to finding the root cause of her son’s illnesses and she’s now helping thousands of people understand how many unexplainable autoimmune diseases go undiagnosed and how they can be treated in her book, What’s Wrong With My Child. Other topics covered in this podcast: how and why the health system is broken, the atrocities of the US Juvenile Courts System and more.
“We were spending $1000 a month on medication” - elizabeth harris
show notes
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Facebook @ElizabethHarrisAuthor
Molecularlabs - Cunningham panel & PANDAS test
James Lehman – Total Transformation Program
Dr Latimer, Washing, DC - IV immunoglobulin
CDC – Centre For Disease Control and Prevention
Film & Book – Brain on Fire, Sushanna Cahalan
The Brain That Changed Itself - Norman Doidge