Arjun and Shobja are determined to change lives through lifestyle medicine.
Drs. Arjun and Shobha Rayapudi are co-founders of Gift of Health, a non profit organization based in Newfoundland, Canada, dedicated to revolutionizing lives through lifestyle medicine. Through in-person and online workshops, they have helped hundreds of people prevent and reverse chronic diseases, end the frustrating dieting cycle, lose weight and get off medications.
Dr. Arjun Rayapudi is certified by American Board of Surgery, American Board of Lifestyle Medicine and is a Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He holds Plant Based Nutrition Certificate from Cornell University and Dr. McDougall's Starch Solution Certificate.
“I am a lifestyle surgeon. I can treat you with my surgical knife, or I can heal you with my chef’s knife. You pick.”
Dr. Shobha Rayapudi is a physician, epidemiologist and researcher. She is certified by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. She holds a Medical degree from Rangaraya Medical College and a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University. Working as a clinical researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Trials, her principal scientific interests have been on the effects of nutrition in preventing and reversing chronic diseases.
On todays podcast, Nicolette talks to the Rayapudi Doctors about their journeys from physician and surgeon to holistic healers. After moving to Newfoundland and seeing an incredible high number of chronic diseases they couldn’t understand why everyone was so sick. Dr Arjun saw Forks over Knifes and couldn’t believe it could be so simple, so they began their own research and found it all to be true. Their next job was to teach people to shift their perspectives and change their habits and as Dr Arjun said to his father when he needed heart surgery “instead of having your chest cut open why don’t you open your mouth and put different plant-based food in there?” With their non-profit organization - Gift of Health, they are showing thousands of people how to transition to Plant-based by not trying new foods but adjusting what you grew up with.