Nutritional Healing and Detoxing with Kathryn Alexander
Kathryn and I have been crossing paths for years as I refer my clients to her to get a specific protocol designed, and then with my clients protocol in hand, I teach them how to implement the protocol, how to set up their kitchen, prepare and cook the food, and create this new lifestyle, one step at a time.
Kathryn Alexander has worked in the field of detoxification and nutritional healing for over 30 years, and through her work with cancer patients choosing the Gerson Therapy, she has witnessed first hand the fundamental role of specific dietary protocols in the healing of chronic disease.
“If you look after the liver, the kidneys and the heart will look after themselves”
Kathryn has lectured internationally, is the author of several publications and runs courses and training for both members of the public and health professionals to self-manage their own healing program. Definitely get your hands on her book, Nutritional Healing, based on the work of Dr Gerson, and which is the “bible” of the nutritional healer of the future. Kathryn is also an internationally acknowledged thought leader in patient self-advocacy. Her program, Health Commons Ready Reckoner, follows four years of grounded research including a one year teaching, monitoring and research program sponsored by the Australian government.
Kathryn tells us about how she came to learn about Gerson, went on to write the new training manual for the Gerson Institute, and about her new course, which helps you learn more about your case than any practitioner could know. We also discuss the mighty liver, how toxins are removed from your body and what a detox truly means.