wellness warrior shares her dna story
Marina knew something was seriously wrong with her body and health, despite being told by specialists that all of her test results were ‘normal’. Marina shares her DNA story on this week’s podcast, explaining why she knows it’s a fabulous tool to help people on their Eat Real To Heal journey, especially when it comes to healing from cancer. She used the data from her DNA test to help her stay motivated and on track through her healing adventure with breast cancer and knows that her breast cancer could have been avoided if she had her DNA checked before.
Marina’s incredible story of being diagnosed with breast cancer and of being maneuvered through the system to the point where she’s forced to take her health into her own hands leads her to discovering a whole other way of treating cancer, illness and ultimately life. Her journey will resonate with so many of you wellness warriors and her story will also inspire you to sit up and take notice of all the possibilities that exist when it comes to being diagnosed with and treated for cancer.